The fourth dimension:
The universe is physically a three dimensional space, consisting of length, width and height.
the fourth dimension is time. Everything must have a beginning in order to exist. therefore everything must also come to an end. The universe began with the big bang, this means that the universe has a beginning and so must have an ending.
When the three physical dimensions and time come together to form the fourth dimension known as space-time. The blend of the dimensions into one is known as a continuum.
When space-time is empty it is flat, it has no curvature. When mass is applied to or in space it causes the space-time to curve. space-time is s flat surface and is therefore mouldable to the the shape and density of the mass applied to the space.
Now that we know how space initially began and that we know that our universe has a beginning and therefore has an ending. Now we can begin to look at the formation of stars and planets.
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